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Our Favorite Vining Houseplants and How to Train Them

plant perfect garden center - how to train vining houseplants in Bismarck---neon pothos trailing houseplant

A vining houseplant can draw attention like no other houseplant, whether it is a philodendron or a variety of pothos. Indoor vines grow voraciously and often without regard to aesthetic parameters, which is why they require consistent pruning and training on a trellis, moss pole, or stake. With some love and guidance, your vining houseplants will thrive and look fantastic.

Different Varieties of Vining Houseplants 

What kind of houseplants climb? There are plenty out there, but the most popular varieties of indoor vining houseplants include philodendrons, monsteras, and pothos. When choosing a variety of vining houseplants for inside your home, you will want to ensure you have enough space for its vining growth habit! The attractiveness of these climbing plants lies in the fact that they break boundaries inside the home.

plant perfect garden center - how to train vining houseplants in Bismarck--monstera deliciosa moss pole

Training Your Houseplants to Climb

If you don’t want your plant to trial, you can train it to grow upwards! If you add a support structure like a trellis or moss pole, your vining houseplant will eventually start to wrap its arms around for natural support. Before you know it, you will have your houseplant growing in an upward direction and using its natural vining habit to reach the sky! To start:

  • Select a trellis or moss pole to support your vining house plant.
  • Ideally, repot your houseplant and put the support structure in the soil before the plant so you don’t damage any roots.
  • Fasten your plant to the structure with gentle ties or clips that give the plant room to bend and grow.
  • Place your plant in a spot with proper sunlight. Vining plants cannot climb unless their plants receive enough nutrients from the sun!
  • Keep your soil organic and nutrient-rich for the best results.

plant perfect garden center - how to train vining houseplants in Bismarck--heart shaped philodendron

Plant-Specific Tips

Each plant has unique traits for climbing; here are some basic tips for some of the most common vining houseplants.


These plants love to climb, twining their roots around the trunks of their surroundings. However, not all varieties possess these gorgeous climbing abilities. Climbing types, including the heart-leaf philodendron, are trending right now, and for a good reason. Their lush foliage dripping from the container adds appeal to any indoor space. They are also easy to care for and can adapt to various indoor environments, making them fantastic houseplants.

plant perfect garden center - how to train vining houseplants in Bismarck--deliciosa and adansonii


Monsteras are always a good choice, regardless of what variety you grow. Adding tropical houseplants to a room is pretty much guaranteed to brighten up the vibe. The differences between the two most popular varieties, Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii, lie in their growth habits, prices, foliage edges, fenestrations, and size. The perforations on adansonii are narrower and of varying shapes, while the perforations on monstera deliciosa are larger. Both varieties make beautiful climbing houseplants, so you may just have to get both!

plant perfect garden center - how to train vining houseplants in Bismarck---hoya hoop


These classic beauties are delightful to grow, and their wandering vines produce gorgeous waxy leaves and scented flowers. Hoyas look beautiful when trained to grow around a hoop rather than a trellis or pole, giving it more room to showcase those stunning flowers! Be gentle as you train it and keep this plant in bright, indirect sunlight for best results.

plant perfect garden center - how to train vining houseplants in Bismarck-golden pothos houseplant

Golden Pothos

Are you looking for a vining houseplant that is extremely easy to grow? Pothos to the rescue! It is a popular houseplant loved for its long, trailing stems that can grow to 8 feet or more, making it a wonderful addition to any home. Its heart-shaped leaves, variegated in yellow and white, are a wonder of nature. Trim them regularly to encourage bushy growth, and fasten them to a trellis for a gorgeous display!

We’ve only covered a few vining houseplants that you can train! For more tips on how to train your vining houseplants to climb and what variety is best for you, visit us at Plant Perfect Garden Center today!